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 Membership Details

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Posts : 41
Join date : 2008-08-31

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PostSubject: Membership Details   Membership Details Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 11:51 am

We are the Protectorate (-PRO-). Our primary focus is on colonization & development by forging trading agreements and relationship building with other alliances and individual players on Omikron server. Our focus militarily is to have an adequate home defense against wayward pillagers. There is an expectation that our alliance members will be held in high regard by other island neighbors by:

 Donating to the quarry and sawmill regularly, once established
 Forging trade and cultural treaties with island mates

If any outside players or alliances have an issue with any of our members, please contact our diplomat for resolution. We will respond within 24 hours of your message and discipline accordingly (if needed).

If you would like to join us and agree with our philosophies, please do not hesitate to apply. To apply do the following:

 Go to you embassy
 Go to token, type in -PRO-
 Click on the handshake
 Write a short bio introducing yourself

For forum access please create a new post with a short intro and your ingame name and we'll follow up with extended forum permissions. Also include if your a player from Alpha or Ny server.
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